Barcode / SKU Scanning and Linking:
The TurnStone Handheld &
Desktop hardware and software allows users to scan barcodes and RFID Tags, then associate those
tags with Items. The Desktop also allows information to be added about each Item, Items to be imported,
Items catalog to be exported, catalog Items managed and reports to be generated.
Item Organization:
Items enrolled into the Items catalog
can be organized into multiple hierarchical categories. These categories are defined by the organization,
are flexible and dynamic and can change as Items are added or removed. Items can reside in multiple categories
simultaneously and categories can have sub-categories.
Reports, Surveys, User Audit Trails:
TurnStone users can generate a variety of reports that can be
exported to .csv for use / import into other applications: Counts by location or type, Variance reports for the last inventory,
Survey an area to look for a selected Item, Survey an area to find all the Items in the area, Customizable Item level reporting, and
Audit trails and Item movement reports.